Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Nearly 16 weeks - wow

Didn't have a chance to take my every-five-weeks picture, due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Don't think one week will make a difference, though, at least picture-wise.

Finally bought some new shirts and pants. Shirts because my chest wasn't fitting into my work clothes that well, and pants because when you spend a lot of the day bent over double with tiny kids, you need something non-binding at the waist!

Hubby found some great Gap "barely showing" jeans that, when I wore them yesterday, sent the women here a-flutter. They couldn't believe how cute the pants were. They averred that when they were pregnant 1-3 years ago, they didn't have cute jeans like that! I also got some olive green cargo-like pants. Hubby is happy that they're not "mom pants" and that they have style. :)

I still feel like I'm not a grown-up yet. Being a mom will be even weirder.

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