Wednesday, March 02, 2005

29 Weeks and still going....

I've got my next prenatal appointment tomorrow. I can't believe that last time I went in, I was sick (had lost my voice, been coughing, recovered my voice), have coughed the last four weeks since then, and now have been sick this week with more coughing (back to the wet cough from the dry cough), with a stuffed-up nose, killer sinuses, and a plugged-up head.

On top of that... it's back to the hospital about 3 hours after my appointment for our second childbirth prep class! Argh!! At least the first class went well. Although I was surprised that, when asked on a questionnaire what the "worst possible outcome" could be for delivery, most women put "C-section". I mean, come on! Not like I'm jumping at the chance to be cut open, but there are worse things. For instance, I put:

(1) Death (me or baby)
(2) Long-term health complications (i.e. stroke, paralysis, cerebral palsy or mental retardation due to anoxia, etc.)
(3) Health care professionals/family members not following birth plan, making my delivery harder, and pissing me off

I just figure, get the baby out of there however you can so we can go on with our beautiful life. But true, the thought of being unloaded and reloaded doesn't sound that great. But pushing a baby out of my vagina is not the pinnacle of my life, and not being able to do so is not going to totally destroy me. I just want a healthy baby - as healthy as possible - and a good start to our family.

In the meantime, I guess I should try to get some sleep... mouth-breathing, of course.