Tuesday, January 15, 2008

And then there's this....


I've been communicating by phone with the mother of one of Colin's little friends at school. Apparently, the Giardia situation is way out of control there.

A group of parents (including those of this little boy) were in the office a week ago Monday, demanding more answers about the outbreak. They also did not agree that it was okay to keep the kids who tested "negative" separate from the untested kids, but let all of them play TOGETHER on the playground. (Said one mother who is a pediatrician: "Giardia can live in the water and mud puddles on the playground, and you're not really keeping the kids segregated if they're playing together, anyway!")

The school has set up a meeting, run by the Department of Health, for tomorrow at 4 p.m. Hubby is considering leaving work early to attend. Especially as I passed on the info (that I got from aforementioned mom) that another of Colin's little friends just got his test results back today: *positive*. AND she mentioned something that just blew me away: the teachers are NOT CHANGING GLOVES BETWEEN DIAPER CHANGES FOR EACH KID. If they have three kids lined up for diaper changes and two kids on the little potties, they will wear the SAME GLOVES for all of the diaper changes.

I told the mom, "I can understand that you wear glove for your own protection, but what about preventing communicable disease BETWEEN the kids." She said, "Well, they have kids lined up, so they're just using the same gloves. I know [teacher's name] doesn't change gloves." I said, "If you go to a lab and there are three people lined up for blood tests, the phlebotomist doesn't keep the same gloves on for each person! Oh my God!!!!!!"

My husband said, "Does the Department of Health know about this?"

They might by tomorrow morning, if I have anything to do with it.

Speaking of that, what about OSHA?

Now our big decision is whether Colin should go back to this school. Granted, he's been there 2.5 years and this is the first major thing that's occured. We can either switch him to another daycare, or just have me work only one day per week (with my MIL watching the kids) until he goes to preschool in the fall.

Oh, and the mom also mentioned that a letter was clipped onto the sign-in/out sheet this morning: during an inspection, there was a code violation in that a child (who must've been five or younger!) was walking in the outside corridor on the way to the bathroom, without a parent escort or line-of-sight supervision by a teacher or other staff member. The letter must be signed and returned to the school, showing that we've read it.

Let's not neglect to mention that all of the letters re: Giardia have NOT been sent to our house while Colin's been at home. I wonder if that letter will show up or not.


What I'm listening to: Nothing - saving my eardrums for "American Idol"
I just: Ran Colin's bathwater (hubby is watching him)
Now I'm gonna: Get Colin's PJs out of the dryer

1 comment:

Heather Benza said...

yeah, that's unacceptable and gross. Either change gloves between diaper changes or don't bother with gloves but wash hands with hot soapy water for a full 30 seconds. Toddlers are going to touch things and put their hands in their mouth or put the things in their mouth. Giardia can survive outside the body plenty long enough for a toddler to ingest it. Check with your local health department about appropriate day care procedure to prevent the spread. I recently worked with my local health department and found it to be exceptionally helpful!!