Sunday, March 30, 2008

Somewhere in Orange County, a math teacher silently weeps

My neighbor, a really cool woman, has just had it with her job. She wants to "stay home" (as if you ever do!) with her kids, help her husband with his business, and get the house cleaned up. She's tired of tripping over crap, tired of staying up past midnight to get everything done, tired of going in to work. How tired? Check out this phone conversation from four o'clock this afternoon...

Neighbor: I need to use this Dell coupon before midnight.

Me: Oh, okay.

Neighbor: It expires at midnight Eastern Time... damn, it's pr'y too late.

Me (after a pause): No, it's okay - that's 9 p.m. our time.

Neighbor: Even after the time change?

Hang in there until July, Neighbor Friend! You can make it!

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