Tuesday, March 18, 2008

At least she got paid...

Got into a conversation with two women at the chiropractic office regarding why we are named what we are. (Got that?)

One woman said, "I've never liked my name. It's 'Marsha'. I asked my mom years and years ago about why she named me that. Apparently, there was a young woman in our town who was beautiful and always had a lot of boyfriends. She was quite popular. Her name was 'Marsha', so my mom chose the name for me."

"Well, that's nice," the other woman and I conceded.

"Yes," she continued, "But years later, I wanted to find out what happened to Marsha. Well, I found out why she was so popular. Marsha was a hooker! My mother named me after a hooker!"

Ah, hindsight...

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