Monday, May 07, 2007


Had a weird dream two nights ago. I was at a supermarket - like Albertson's, or Safeway (ha! funny when you read the rest of this dream....) - and a bunch of us are standing in the parking lot, looking at the cloud of smog hanging over the city skyline in the distance.

"See, that's the gas," someone says. "We can see it over there, but it's hanging over us, too."

So we all go into the store and close all of the doors. And I'm sitting on the sofa (!) in the store, talking to my old classmate Seaton from middle school/high school. And then we all have to go into a smaller room. And we're trying not to breathe because the green gas is coming in the vents... and I see people dropping around me... and I realize that I, too, will breathe in the green gas, and I'll die, and there's no way to get around it.

I think I'm concerned about global warming.

Am I the only one trying to conserve energy and water around here, people? HELP!

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