Friday, September 28, 2007

Still pickin' on whiners

Poor, poor Ryan Adams. Dude puts out, like, six albums per year, and still he can't get a decent sound system at a concert? So what does he do? He throws a fit. Boo hoo: what a baby! Of course, in this month's SPIN Magazine, he also insists that the Grateful Dead are a punk band. Uh-huh.

Now, for the anti-whiner: have you checked out the Swedish TV host who threw up on-air because of menstrual cramps? Now THAT is a pro. THAT is someone with balls. Ryan Adams, you could take a lesson from Miss Eva Nazemson.

(If you're feeling strong, check out the video here, with English subtitles.

What I'm listening to: Colin singing the Alphabet Song
I just: Ate lunch, read the news on
Now I'm gonna: Play with Colin before naptime

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