Monday, July 30, 2007


Baby #2 is on the way!

And in no way do the stories coming out of my moms' group freak me out.

Most women are having their second kids with three pushes, while the nurse screams, "Don't push - the doctor isn't here! He's at Chevy's having taquitos and a margarita!"

We've had one get in the shower when her contractions started, only to deliver the baby in the tub with her husband.

We've had another deliver in her living room with her husband, her mother, her mother-in-law, and two firefighters. One firefighter kept telling her to get into the "proper birthing position, on your back," while she screamed, "That's not the proper birthing position!!!" So when her son shot out into the firefighter's hands, the baby immediately sprayed everyone in attendance with pee... including into the firefighter's mouth. Aw.

And yet, I'm still remaining positive. No pun intended.

Meanwhile, Colin has been practicing his counting and alphabet.

Colin, counting Cheerios: Two, fee, five, sick, seben, eight, nine, ten... eight, nine, X, Y, Z!

Colin, doing his alphabet puzzle: "R, T, double-oo, X, Y, Z!"

It's a start.


The White House said...

I am just soooo excited for you all! And I am also excited that you finally posted again!

westfallphoto said...

Baby #2 wasn't bad, but was fast. I didn't know you were pregnant. Congratulations.