Tuesday, August 01, 2006

14 months old... and signing!

Wow... I guess the year has been very busy... I haven't posted since January! Here's my list of reasons/excuses:

(1) At the beginning of January, Colin went on a five-month binge of waking up four times per night. We couldn't break him out of it... and we tried everything. Finally, around the end of May, he started sleeping better and only waking up once per night. Hurrah!

(2) I was starting up my own business.

(3) I was teaching baby sign for my friend's business while she was on maternity leave (http://www.keikiscorner.com).

(4) Did I mention that I was sleep-deprived?

On a good note, I *have* been working on my scrapbooking. :)

Colin is signing A LOT now. I had almost given up hope that he would sign... he understood sign but didn't sign himself. Now he's learning almost one sign per day. Today, it was "book"... two days before that, it was "bread"... the day before that, it was "water"... a few days before that, it was "cheese"... and the other day, he signed "more cheese" -- a two-word phrase. That's ahead of the curve!

But no, he's not walking yet. ;P

I've had fun chatting with my cousin Amy, who is expecting her first baby. We're going to see her and meet her husband - and see my aunt and uncle and other cousin - this weekend. Big trip! More later!


The White House said...

wow! we made the blog! that is cool. thanks for the surprise! hope you're having fun in WA!

Angela said...

Time is flying. Fourteen months old! Congratulations on the signing. I had zero luck with it, and am always so impressed with the parents who are successful!