It just hit on Thursday... that's right... my ability to fall asleep while at work, that glorious first-trimester super-power, has returned!! Tonight, stupid me, I thought I would come home, take a nap, assemble some lasagna, put it in the oven, do my HypBirth CD... instead, I fell asleep and stayed that way from about 5:30 to 8:00.
Needless to say, husband is bringing dinner home. :)
Prenatal appts. are now two weeks apart. Saw one of dr.'s partners, as dr. was out of town. This dr. was just delightful! Really nice personality.
For a few weeks now, the baby has seemed to like to hang out in the upper right quadrant of my stomach. The dr. said that is not unusual, esp. due to the placement of the mother's internal organs. (All I can say is, "Thank God I'm long-waisted or else I'd be in trouble!") He suspects the hard thing jutting out in that area is the little butt, with the back going along my central line, and head lower.
The medicine the dr. put me on about four to five weeks ago for the Cough That Would Not Cease gave me thrush so I've spent over a week sucking on troches. Last Friday I was prescribed stronger cough medicine for nighttime, which I take ONLY at night, as it's a Class C drug. I Must say the baby seems to react more gently now that I'm not coughing so horrendously.
AND... we've found our furniture. One morning, my husband woke up and said, "Let's go to Babies 'R' Us. I think they have something new." He was right. And we loved it. The crib is waiting in the garage, and the changer/dresser will be picked up this weekend.
I also enjoyed a shower, held by my co-workers, last Friday, as well as a shower, held by family and friends, the following day. And if the last shower was Attack of the Onesies, this was the Attack of the Washcloths!!!
That's gonna be one clean baby!
And now that we've taken the baby care class, we actually know how to clean him. Kinda. (Can't wait to see us try!)