Thursday, December 23, 2004

Week 19: Ultrasound

The story of Lovelylinguist, Hubby, and The Ultrasound:

(1) Arrive at 8:30 a.m., only to be told that L.L. had no appointment. Although it had been scheduled since the first week of November. And they reminded L.L. about the appointment the last time she was in two weeks ago. And now somebody else has that time and we're SOL.

(2) L.L. vows to sit in the waiting room until they fit her in (even though they are totally booked) or her bladder explodes from the required 16 oz of water.

(3) The 9 a.m. patient is detained elsewhere so Hubby and L.L. get their ultrasound at 8:50 a.m.

(4) The technician types in, "Baby Girl Lastname!" and Hubby and L.L. say, "Wow! Uh... really?" Though happy, they felt so boy-like. Surprise. Then technician says, "No, wait a second..." She then decides it's a boy. Hubby says, "We'll take the best two out of three." After the third pass, it's still (apparently) a boy.

(5) Hubby and L.L. plan to use ultrasound video of "Baby Girl Lastname!" to torture son when he hits puberty.


The only thing they have to keep their eyes on is my "low-lying placenta". Apparently, if it doesn't move up, it will block the baby's exit into the world. So a C-section is possible. I say... whatever it takes to get the baby out safely is what I'll do.

In the meantime... Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

CaliGirl said...

congrats to you and hubby... merry christmas and happy new year to you both...enjoy the holidays :)